Top 10 Visiting Places in Islamabad -Zameenforyou

M Awais
4 min readOct 5, 2019


Islamabad is the most valued city of Pakistan, firstly because it is the capital city of Pakistan secondly it is well known for its beauty, culture cool and healthy climatic natural beauty. That’s why people are looking for a house for sale in Islamabad. It is the fastest growing city of Pakistan especially from property and business point of view .It is also the most visited place in Pakistan as people love to enjoy its beauty, nature and cool atmosphere. People from all around the world special from Pakistan keep visiting its capital city throughout the whole year, especially in summer. There are we place some in Islamabad that is very watchable that’s why they are also known as the top-visited places in Islamabad. Below you can get all the details about these places so next time you don’t miss visiting all these beautiful places.

These places are categorized firstly form patriotic, secondly from a religious point of view and thirdly beauty and nature and at last from shopping, so you can accord to your need and choice.

Pakistan monument

It is a famous museum especially for those who love to visit the history related to the Independence of Pakistan. There are many things in a Pakistan monument that represent the struggle and hardships faced by the persons who faced hardships for Pakistan. As a Pakistani is always great to visit this place because this is something related to our love feelings about our country and the struggle we have faced for the freedom of this country. Pakistan Monument also is known as the National monument as it is the biggest Heritage Museum in Pakistan. It represents the bonding between all the provinces of Pakistan as well as with Azad Kashmir and tribal areas of Pakistan.

This to the people who struggle for the independence of Pakistan and you can see how they have struggled their lives, wealth and everything for the freedom of Pakistan. This Museum is also rich with the Mughal architecture of the subcontinent and if you are interested in the culture of Pakistan, this is the best place to visit in Islamabad.

Faisal mosque

Pakistan is an Islamic state, and that’s why you see the beautiful Faisal mosque is the most iconic religious structure in Pakistan. It is the largest mosque in Pakistan, and you can see this most beautiful mosque from almost the entire Islamabad. It is located in hills special design in foothills of beautiful Margilla Hills and very famous for its unique look of an Arabic tent. It is specially designed by Turkish engineers and funded by a Saudi Arab king Shah Faisal. People all over Pakistan love to visit this gigantic mosque due to its beauty and religious atmosphere. You can visit this place with your family as well it’s always great to experience such a beautiful iconic religious structure.

Saidpur village

Natural beauty is always attractive and attractive. Saidpur Village for its natural environment and beauty along with the historical culture. It is a beautiful village located where to margalla Hills Islamabad. The village name is the name of the famous Sultan Salman Khan, which was one of the great rulers in that region.

The famous thing about this village is its historical elements of Hindu temple and you can also find Sikh civilization in ancient civilization in the village. Today, you can enjoy what is the best quality food in a beautiful colored food court in the village, which is a special design for the tourist. It’s a great exciting place to enjoy food in this beautiful village.

Lok Virsa museum

It is also a heritage museum in Islamabad contains the current and historical culture of Pakistan. It includes monuments and shrine Hall of different Sufis in Pakistan. It Contains the Lok library which country 32,000 books on culture research and the history of Pakistan. where is also a video center which contains a video library represents the modern and historical culture of Pakistan?

Margilla Hills

Islamabad is overall a green and healthy city but if you are looking for the best art of natural beauty than margilla hills are very much famous for its green natural beauty. These are fascinating green hills with a beautiful climate and a small forest. It has flora and fauna which contains 100 species of plants, animals, and birds in it. You can also find different fish, reptiles, and leopard in these forests. It’s a great and lovable place which must need to visit.

Daman e Koh

On the high hills of margilla there is a great beautiful path which people used to travel to enjoy margilla hills known as Daman e Koh. This path also followed to enjoy a monal restaurant is on the top of Margilla Hills.

Rawal Lake

It is a beautiful lake in Pakistan and a great place for water enjoyment. It contains a lot of water species as well, and people love to visit this with family.

Monal Resturant

If you are a food lover along with enjoyment monal will always attract you. You can enjoy high-quality food.It is on the top of Islamabad where you can also enjoy an amazing view of all Islamabad.

Jinnah Supermarket

If you want to visit Islamabad or shopping for yourself and your family Jinnah supermarket is a great place where you can enjoy and shop with your family.

Centuries Mall

It is the best, tallest building in Islamabad and really a fascinating place to visit. You can enjoy its beauty, food, and shopping.

Best Real Estate Portal

Property is always been in high demand in Islamabad and you can get all the details from the rates of property through Pakistan’s Best Online Real estate portal. It is a great platform where you can find property from all over the world.You can also find plots for sale in Islamabad through this portal.

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